The Foundation of our Holistic Digital Marketing Services

Hello, and welcome once again to the Riverworks Marketing Group blog. We’ve made an effort over the last few weeks to really key in on some of the more niche areas of digital marketing and why, in our opinion, these areas are so important to the success of a brand or business. In today’s post, we’re going to take a step back so that we can go over a subject that is a bit broader yet still critically important to the overall success of our digital marketing efforts – Holistic digital marketing. If you have ever looked into holistic medicine, you know that it focuses on the whole body, including the mental and spiritual aspects of the self. A holistic digital marketing strategy is no different, taking into account all of the different factors and methodologies that affect and influence digital marketing strategies as a whole. Continue reading below to learn more.

Focus on the Entire Approach

In the world of digital marketing, there are a lot of pieces that have to be kept up with in order to make sure that the best approach is being taken when marketing a brand or business. Social media, mobile compatibility, search engine optimization, and email marketing are all aspects of the same whole. The challenge that we as digital marketing experts face each day is taking all of these individuals parts and marrying them together so that they work in conjunction with and complement each other in the overall strategy for our clients. Without the right content, there is no interest from the audience. Without the right delivery method, there is no connection with the audience. And without the right timing, there is no way to start a meaningful conversation with the individuals that you are trying to reach.

How Does Holistic Digital Marketing Work?

The simplest answer to this question is that holistic digital marketing works to not only deliver the best content possible to your audience but to also deliver it in a way that encourages them to further develop a relationship with the brand or business that is reaching out to them. When looking at analytics associated with how people take a journey through a website, it quickly becomes clear that people take many different paths toward the journey to conversion. Some people come in via social media, clicking on an ad that they felt was relevant to their interests. From there, they may continue through content pages on a website, ultimately leading to a conversion. For other people, the path may not be so straightforward. They might end up on a website from some external source, visit the website, and then leave the site because they didn’t feel that it was important enough for them to continue along their journey at that particular time. A few days later, with a well placed remarketing ad, they might once again be enticed to visit the website and pick up their journey from there.

At its core, holistic digital marketing is about understanding all of the paths that people take to get to a website and making sure that those paths are covered as best as possible by the marketing strategy that is put in place.

Benefits of a Single Marketing Agency Over Multiple Service Providers

One of the most common questions we get at Riverworks Marketing from our clients is whether it is better to have all of your digital marketing services met by a single company or to have multiple companies that are highly focused on a single area of digital marketing working in conjunction with each other. In our opinion, it is better to have a single agency handle your needs for the following reasons:

  • One Vision: When it comes to developing a digital marketing strategy, it is important that each person who is working on the strategy has a single, clear vision of what the goals of the strategy are. By choosing to work with a single entity, you are choosing to work with people who are able to communicate with each other on a daily basis to make sure that all aspects of your strategy are working together. Having a disjointed marketing campaign can be almost as bad as having no campaign at all.
  • One Point of Contact: Anyone who conducts business can tell you that it is not always an easy task to get information from someone or schedule a time to hammer out details on an important project. Everyone is busy and if you are dealing with multiple companies to handle your digital marketing needs, having an effective means of communicating with the different points of contact can be a hassle. When you go with a single agency, you only need to talk to a single person, greatly reducing the time it takes to get answers to key questions or make tweaks to your strategy.
  • Dedication: Most business owners can attest to the fact that there are hundreds of companies out there that spend a lot of their time making cold call marketing calls claiming that they can help a given business increase their digital footprint and increase leads. While we aren’t saying this isn’t true (after all, these companies have to deliver at least some of the time or they wouldn’t be in business), we are cautioning our readers to take these claims with a grain of salt. If you choose to go with multiple companies that only focus on one key area of digital marketing, more often than not you are one of hundreds or thousands of clients that they deal with each month. This volume can lead to a disconnect between the marketing company and the client. When you choose an agency for your marketing needs, you are choosing a company who’s partnering with you to deliver successful results, not just a company that is hoping to get as much money out of you as possible before you choose to go with another service provider.

Thank you for taking the time to read our blog on holistic digital marketing. If you are interested in learning more about our approach and how we bring together all aspects of digital marketing to create a unique strategy for our clients, please give us a call at 423.710.3866 or get in touch with us through our contact page.